
when i start making shitty paintings, i will consider selling you one


to a baby, a woman named pasta who's skin is painted yellow says, "tell me about your age. what is your team like?" moments later, over a phone conversation, she warns, "i'm pretty condescending, i'm just warning you. i play fair, but only when it works, okay?" at a bead store his mother is robbing, a boy named jenga asks, "when do i get to kill you?" to one of his mother's friends. and after seeing her adopted child perform a dance routine, a woman known only as the parent says, "you make me feel like i win a war."

I'm talking about the work of ryan trecartin, or rather his youtube alias wian treetin. He's shown at the whitney biennale and the saatchi gallery in london, and is now doing a series of online videos called i-be area that are equally funny, disturbing, and disorienting.

matt turned me on to these and i can't stop watching them. they remind me of david lynch in both their obsurdity and the recurrence of characters, like the ever frightening pasta, who steals babies and chases people into walls. initial premises start the videos off, like a channel on which children promote themselves with infomercials to be adopted. however, they quickly disintegrate into nonsense and use face paint, stock computer editing graphics, and twisted audio to donkey punch the viewer.

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