
asshole generation (ou faire l'amour jusqu'à épuisement peut-être)


so, whoever's suggestion it was to interrupt the week with a sonic boom, bravo to you. i'll start at the beginning.

first came the five location art show called joy ride that was bike themed. artists churned out pieces involving two wheeled, leg powered transport, and while the puffin room some galleries sucked, others were thought provoking. collective hardware put on a great show, and featured one of my favorite pieces in the entire shebang, which was a large scale drawing and used bikes as a vehicle for trepidation and failure. i really wish i knew the artists name or the name of the piece, but by that time they had already started serving their delicious punch/cucumber/vodka thing and it didn't occur to me to jot it down.

we also got to peek at our girl dana goldstein's stuff at 186 orchard street, and it was a great little curation of her bike-related photos.

after that, however, things get stuffed in a blender and turned on high speed. first we walked into white slab palace and got a shot of whiskey for free, and walked out without being there for more than thirty seconds. we then took the subway to the broad street ballroom for a pool party/extravaganza, and really took advantage of the architecture in the j train.

once we got to broad and beaver (yep, those are the real cross streets, broad beaver), we skipped the line and went right in to the mad house that was the dos equis party. we winded through the huge crowd and made our way downstairs to the pool area. james and dana were the only ones planning on swimming, but the pool looked so enticing that coco, emily, and i stripped down to our skivvies as well and dove in without hesitation. we were crafty and stole all the glowsticks from the bottom of the pool. it was the most epic thing yet to come out of the summer.

after that we got turned away from the show's afterparty at lit, stopped by dana's house to play with the aforementioned glow sticks, and then james and i high tailed it to b.east for one last romp. we ended up littering the floor with glow sticks, getting a talking to by the manager, and raising some real hell with someone who bumped into me. all in all, thursday should be declared a holiday.


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