
shit we like to hate: bitches who think they are alice dellal


let's get one thing straight. alice dellal's hair looks stupid on alice dellal. secondly, it's not exactly an everyday 'do, so when you try to do it yourself, girls, you're not fooling anyone into thinking you just did it on a whim. when people look at you, they know automatically that you picked up a copy of nylon and looked for what would give you the most attention. not saying that no one can do this, but when you're wearing a party dress with a leather jacket, and either stillettos or combat boots, it is not okay, you are being alice dellal for halloween everyday.

that said, james and i ran into a girl like this when we met our friend harold at cain for someone's birthday party. it was weird to see her, because everyone else was at least forty and wearing either a suit or football jersey. i feel kind of bad for pretending that i liked her hairstyle and ran a fashion blog where we were going to feature it, but seriously, she had it coming when she bought an electric razor.


veikouu said...

alice dellal haircuts are for lesbians only.

marika said...

in case you guys need some sort of history lesson, this hairstyle has been around far longer than alice dellal has been alive.

why not discuss why you think the hair looks "stupid" on someone rather than just assume that people are copying a girl who was born a decade after the original british punk movement?

hating on alice is just about as trendy as doc martens, and equally as dumb. also, jake, you really should feel bad for pretending that you liked her hairstyle when you really just didn't have the guts to question it.

ive had parts of my head shaved since i was fourteen and this post basically just insulted my intelligence.


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