
shock me

the first time i saw mark kozelek play i was, i don't remember how i old i was, but i went with mina, vicente, and sara, which means i was probably nineteen at the time. we drove up to baltimore to see him play at ottobar, i don't really remember being there because i was so stoned, but what i do remember is yelling at him to play katy's song, and like a good boy he did. we drove home pleased.

anyway, this video goes out to all the sensitive boys and girls... woe woe woe.

williamsburg music hall, august 6, 8pm, $25.
buy tixxx

he plays red house painters and sun kil moon shit so even if you're not familiar with his own stuff, come and let's sit in the corner together. shed a tear while you're at it, don't worry i won't tell.

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