
i have a green butt

work that fan, bitch.

i always liked angie from the second i met her. i was sixteen and just got off work at purple potamus. that may or may not have been the night marissa and i snuck in the drop box to bark like dogs. nikhil and stevo were both working that night cause the parking lot was packed. angie was sitting by the wall with her camera, and i sat next to her and we started talking about being high school dropouts and legalizing prostitution. it was love at first sight. now that i've crossed the east river i'm a lot closer to my true loves: coco, sadie, angie, mae, and stefanie. i love ya'll sisterfriends. and maire, get your big black assed face here. anyway i hung out with angie yesterday and we ended up getting way too fucked up early, just like how we do.

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